2016 John Deere
1590 No-Till Drill
- Save Time
- Conserve Moisture
- Reduce Erosion
- Save Fuel
- Reduce Machinery Operating Costs
Cost is $12/acre with a minimum charge of $150. Please contact Clark Humrich 517-223-9971 to schedule a rental time. The use of an 80-100 horse power tractor recommended for field use.
An exemption form must be signed and turned in with the rental agreement if the crop is used for food consumption, either livestock or human. If you are planting a wildlife food plot or prairie grasses then “use tax” of 6% must be charged.
*Under no circumstance will the Livingston Conservation District be responsible for failure of a crop or poor stand due to improper adjustment of the drill or improper use by the operator, nor will the District be responsible because of weather related or seed related crop failures.
Complete both forms and mail with your check to: LCD, P.O. Box 916, Fowlerville, MI 48836